The Smart Growbox for your lovely plants!
All you need is a seed and water – EVA will take care of everything, ensuring the perfect growing conditions throughout the entire cycle.
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How EVA works?

Plant the seed to the special germination cube, 9 out of 10 seeds sprout.
Add water and set the automatic growth mode.
Watch the magic happen. EVA will detect any issues and fix them throughout the full cycle!
Designed for your lovely plants
Designed for your lovely plants
Designed for your lovely plants
EVA solves any issues
>> Forget about mistakes! I'm here to make everything right.
Auto Watering

Precise water supply without overwatering or drying out, thanks to soil moisture control.
No fertilizers needed. Absolutely.  

The innovative ionitoponics system eliminates the need for additional fertilizers or supplements.
A single soil cartridge lasts the entire cycle, up to harvest.
Automatical Light cycle

Intelligent lighting adjustments for optimal growth at all stages.
EVA regulates the light cycle, soil moisture, and air humidity to deliver the best harvest possible.
Odorless & Privacy

A stylish home accessory with a carbon filter that purifies air and ensures privacy.
Ideal for beginners, busy plant lovers, and those seeking a hassle-free growing experience.
Mindful Personal Gardener and a community of like-minder growers
EVA seamlessly integrates into your mobile app, allowing you to control every aspect of the growth cycle, monitor key parameters, receive expert support, and connect with a community of passionate growers.
quality, simplicity and privacy
Simplicity Meets Sophistication
EVA is designed for those who appreciate the finer things in life – a seamless blend of technology and design. Crafted from durable steel with a soft-touch coating, it feels as premium as it looks. The intelligent software, with its intuitive interface and automation, will impress even the most tech-savvy users.

Ready to enjoy the easiest at-home Harvest with EVA?

Discover what we have planned in the coming months or place your order now to start reaping the benefits.

We made EVA for ourselves, so You get the Best

“I initially built this project purely out of personal passion, and the result is nothing short of phenomenal. In this remarkable creation, I’ve overseen more than 50 test cycles. These achievements underscore the sheer potential of our innovation and the dedication behind it.”
@justnva  -  CEO and co-founder
“I’ve always been deeply fascinated by everything organic, and it has driven my passion throughout my 20+ years in this field. Bringing that expertise into this project, I poured in all my best knowledge to ensure its outstanding performance. It’s truly rewarding to see how the organic principles have propelled this initiative to remarkable success.”
@alex.berez -  Co-founder and head of organic
Seeds sprout and grow successfully.
Users surveyed say they achieved target results.
75 days
Average cycle to harvest.

Pre-order EVA now

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Get first-hand info on our launch dates for Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, and secure EVA at a special early-bird price.

Chance to win one GrowBox with EVA

All subscribers are automatically entered into a drawing for one EVA starting kit!

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We value community feedback. Subscribers get early glimpses of new prototypes and interface updates, helping shape EVA’s future.

Frequently asked questions

Answers to the burning questions in your mind. More FAQ is here.

Do I need any fertilizers?

No. All the essential macro- and microelements are already contained in the soil cartridge. The roots will take exactly what they need. This is a unique technology used even in space! Once the plant finishes its growth cycle, just replace the cartridge and start a new growing process.

How does the growing process work?

You connect the cartridge (included in the kit), place a seed in it, and fill the tank with water. For the next two months, EVA automatically manages watering, lighting, ventilation, and temperature. Depending on the plant variety and room climate, you may need to add water 2–3 times throughout the entire cycle. At certain stages, EVA may give suggestions on how to increase your yield (see more in the instructions).

Do I need to service EVA?

Every few months, you need to clean the water supply system. EVA will recommend cleaning every 2–3 growing cycles. You simply put cleaning tablets in the water tank and run the cleaning program. We don’t include a cleaning kit with every new EVA because initially, there’s nothing to clean.

Is it quiet?

Yes, you can sleep near EVA. During development, we replaced three fans with two high-performance fans, and their speed is controlled by PWM. Because of this, most of the time EVA is almost silent (under 18 dB). If the room is very hot, EVA will work harder to cool itself and might be louder. EVA may also suggest moving it to a cooler place or reducing supplemental lighting if it determines that will improve the harvest.

Will it definitely grow? How much yield can I expect?

For most plant varieties, seed germination is about 95%. We’ve improved this rate by adding a special seed-germination cube in the cartridge. Once the seed has sprouted, it’s generally safe. EVA will let you know if there’s no water, if it’s too hot, or if there’s an opportunity to further care for the plant. The harvest depends on many factors, but over a couple of years of development, we’ve found that the current grow box size is perfect in every sense.