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No. All the essential macro- and microelements are already contained in the soil cartridge. The roots will take exactly what they need. This is a unique technology used even in space! Once the plant finishes its growth cycle, just replace the cartridge and start a new growing process.
You connect the cartridge (included in the kit), place a seed in it, and fill the tank with water. For the next two months, EVA automatically manages watering, lighting, ventilation, and temperature. Depending on the plant variety and room climate, you may need to add water 2–3 times throughout the entire cycle. At certain stages, EVA may give suggestions on how to increase your yield (see more in the instructions).
Every few months, you need to clean the water supply system. EVA will recommend cleaning every 2–3 growing cycles. You simply put cleaning tablets in the water tank and run the cleaning program. We don’t include a cleaning kit with every new EVA because initially, there’s nothing to clean.
Yes, you can sleep near EVA. During development, we replaced three fans with two high-performance fans, and their speed is controlled by PWM. Because of this, most of the time EVA is almost silent (under 18 dB). If the room is very hot, EVA will work harder to cool itself and might be louder. EVA may also suggest moving it to a cooler place or reducing supplemental lighting if it determines that will improve the harvest.
For most plant varieties, seed germination is about 95%. We’ve improved this rate by adding a special seed-germination cube in the cartridge. Once the seed has sprouted, it’s generally safe. EVA will let you know if there’s no water, if it’s too hot, or if there’s an opportunity to further care for the plant. The harvest depends on many factors, but over a couple of years of development, we’ve found that the current grow box size is perfect in every sense.